Ubuntu Linux

How to Install Steam on Ubuntu 18.04

Steam is cross platform gaming service that available for Windows, Mac and Linux, developed a by company called Valve. You can find both free and commercial games that can play on Ubuntu via Steam client and It is the  most convenient way to install and play games on your Ubuntu 18.04 desktop.

Following are the steps to install steam in Ubuntu 18.04.

Download Steam for Ubuntu 18.04: Go to steam download page and download the stem deb package for Ubuntu 18.04.

Download Steam for Ubuntu 18.04

Alternatively, you can run following command to download steam from the Ubuntu terminal:

wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb

Install the steam deb file: Right click on the deb file and select: “Open With Software Install”, then click on the install button.

Install the steam deb file

Open Stem for the first time: Now go ahead and open the steam client from the Ubuntu application menu.

open the steam client from the Ubuntu application menu.

When you open steam for the first time, it will launch the terminal and ask the confirmation to to install additional packages:

When you open steam for the first time, it will launch the terminal and ask the confirmation to to install additional packages:

After the process is complete, you can create a new account to login to the Ubuntu steam client:

How to Install Steam on Ubuntu 18.04

Once you install Steam on Ubuntu 18, you’ll be able to find a number of free and commercial games designed for Linux Ubuntu.